Our mission

The mission of La Tablée des Chefs can be summed up in two words: feed and educate. Feed today, to fight against food insecurity, and educate youth to develop their food autonomy.

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To reduce food insecurity, La Tablée des Chefs relies on its Food Recovery program, Solidarity Kitchens and Solidary Soup food preparation projects, and the Solidarity Kitchens - Next Generation program, an activity that mobilizes the next generation of culinary students.


To develop young people's food autonomy, La Tablée des Chefs offers a high school extracurricular program, Kitchen Brigades, as well as the Cook Up Your Future program, which is targeted to youth under the care of the DPY as well as those at risk of school dropout.

Culinary activities

Cooking schools, the Food Bus and Culinary workshops: participate in our socially flavoured activities